About Us
Your School's founder Joann Willoughby
Joann completed her First degree of Reiki in 1988 with master the Rev Beth Grey.
As an assistant director of nursing at a Nursing home in the south of Sydney. She was encouraged to do the course by her staff as a step towards holistic patient care.
During the following months she would apply it to the patients , much to her surprise it helped many illnesses. During this time she began to delve deeper and continued with Reiki 11 in 1989 . This proved to take her on a journey of self discovery.
From which come further study over a broad spectrum ranging from hypnosis to psychology . It was not until she nursed her dying mother in 1997 and made a promise to her to teach Reiki as it had helped with her dying process. Joann then needed to seek a teacher to complete her mothers wish. Not having a lot of money at the time she could not afford some teachers , so she joined Simon Tresylan and took mastership/ teachers in Ulur 1997.
The school began from humble beginnings in her late mothers home. She then taught throughout 12 community colleges on weekends and started a free clinic for the sick. Having taught over 7,000 students of which 34 progressed to teachers level. Joann has continued teaching Reiki to this day Helping many of patients.
Joann's heritage is Eurasian and firmly believes in blending the eastern with the western module of medicine.